Academic Zodiac 22 Zodiacal Constellations 16 Eastern Ascednants
2010-03-18 11:08:29 UTC
The devil has lost its grip and is slipping. How about you?
The current Age of Pegasus II was proclaimed on November 14th 2009
ipse dixit {i}.
First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2010,
Copyright © 2010 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without
the written permission of the author. The names of dedicated
publications are normally given in italics.
2010-Nov-23 00:00 Lib
2010-Nov-24 00:00 Sco
2010-Nov-25 00:00 Sco
2010-Nov-26 00:00 Sco
2010-Nov-27 00:00 Sco
2010-Nov-28 00:00 Sco
2010-Nov-29 00:00 Sco
2010-Nov-30 00:00 Sco
2010-Dec-01 00:00 Oph
Rebooting Your Self
Imprimatur in the New Age of Pegasus II
Copyright © 2010 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Is it possible to reboot oneself? Of course it is! Many had never
touched that dial. Some ignore that option. The majority naively
accepts false personality, false ascendant, false Sun-sign and
consequently a false life. Some even lead several false lives perhaps
according to their several false identities. Many have visited both
sidereal and tropical an astrologer in order to top it with a Vedic
service. Now they are probably coping with at least three additional
false identities. One wonders how many lies one is capable to absorb
in order to socialize with the asinine?
Everybody can easily deduce that the horoscopes as found in the
newspapers are the apex of falsity as they are surely based on no
solar system dynamics at all. The real Sun is in Virgo in Halloween
and in Libra for Sai Baba's birthday, November 23rd. That is the real
Sun, your true natal Sun, not the superstition of the pseudo-
If you follow any religion as based on Truth, such as Sai Baba, then
drop superstition, meaning your old stalled horoscopes. If Sai Baba
was informed that his own Sun is in Libra, how could the avatar of
Truth not address your true horoscope in turn?
Instant Reality Rendering is not only Instant Magick, it is also
clearing. Clearing implies getting done with one's false identity,
even identities. You was never a Capricorn ascendant! You never had a
Capricorn ascendant. No one you know ever had. There is no such thing
at the present epoch. Such things simply do not rise over the eastern
horizon. Look at the sky and you will not find Capricorn rising. No
one you know has a Capricorn ascendant. It has all been a plain lie.
Also, you can not have several horoscopes, such as being this sign in
one but another in the other one. A swindle on both sides. What seems
to afford for profitable business for both swindlers makes for further
confusion in their clients. The further the clients are confused, the
better for the devil to set in. Does not diabolos mean binary
confusion? Those horoscopes were made in order to confuse people and
lead them to the devil.
Of course, in knowing this, people will tend to burn them
“astrologers” at the stake, neatly stacked preferably as containing
their own foul books. What of the lynch mob? We shall not stop you.
Just do your business. It is better for the foul man to perish than
inflict pain, divorce and bankruptcy to the generations that follow.
Do your job. Get done with the devil once and for all.
In knowing that both sidereal and tropical superstitions can not help
you towards your true natal skies, you easily discard both.
Complementary lies have this handy feature as they are easily
discreated in one single bulk. Drop them all. They almost took your
real life from you. The evil forces behind them almost sucked your
vital energy. Yo was to e.g. walk around thinking yourself as Scorpio
with Capricorn ascendant, which is impossible, but instead you
discovered that you are Virgo with Pisces ascendant. May this simple
example in two sign zodiacal offset help you illustrate the mess you
were undergoing as exposed to sidereal or tropical nonsensei. The
exponents of such “theories” are less intelligent people who of course
have nothing to do with science, mathematics or solar system dynamics.
They are simply asininely adamant in accepting and spreading just any
superstition that comes their way. Such replicators are given some
cash and thrown into an astral prison to die. Nothing is left of them
but remnants like shells.
Often their lack of intelligence makes them die without ever getting
to know their own natal horoscopes. It is sad that such victims of the
asinine are often inspired towards writing pretty manuals in
superstition, that further mislead generations. In fact, they are
meant to mislead the further generation as intended by the office of
the alleged lord regent of this world.
Some years ago towards its own arrival with Venus in Hydra, said
mistress of this world nevertheless lost its grip. The Academic Zodiac
was established, the first fully scientific and thus accountable
zodiac for planet Earth. The ascendant set was measured. Planetary
zodiacs were set. Planetocentric astrologies have been established.
The Cartesian house system was set to work on spacecraft. All dwarf
planets, centaurs and major comets were delineated. The devil has lost
its grip and is slipping. How about you?
The answer is non-verbal. Even the guru can not tell you who you are.
But we can tell you who you are not. You are not something thinkable
at all. On the lower astral level, you are surely not defined by any
astrology, tropical, Vedic or sidereal system.
Your true natal skies help determining your guardian angel. You can
think of it as a star that was rising precisely at east at the moment
of your birth. When we come to determining that star, we approach your
true natal skies. Vedic, sidereal or tropical systems can not
determine your guardian angel. That is because they indifferently
never measure the ascendant at due east. The Vedic, sidereal and
tropical systems have no idea of any eastern ascendant. Therefore they
fail to recognize the precession of the ascendants. Said toy systems
can perhaps serve a props to some obscure New Wage practice, but can
never represent your true natal skies.
What can the usual astrological systems in great use not do for you?
They can not tell you the position of your natal Sun, not even guess
it given five chances. They can never determine the position of your
natal Moon, not even approximately. The Moon is by far the most
demanding object in astronomy. It determines the 22nd zodiacal
station, Auriga.
There are two to six signs or constellations of zodiacal error between
your true natal skies and various superstitions. While the so-called
(but only called) sidereal astrology is useless in determining your
natal ascendant. Being sidereal only by name, it can not even
determine the position of your natal Sun. The so-called tropical
astrology proclaims itself worthless, so there is no further need to
mark it for deletion. Vedic astrology has some charm but of course can
not tell you your ascendant. All these systems were perhaps sometimes
meant as preliminary toys for little children. As the thief got out
the temple, he probably thought that he stole the secret of astrology.
He did not. He got away with toys for the children of the servants of
the nobles.
Another lynch mob will move against God and NASA. They will e.g. try
and pass from proverbial to factual bricks against the telescopes. But
the telescope is so high. A brick can not reach those heights. So they
will attack what they can. The devil must defend one;s won slip. The
blind will lead the blind. Stupid and conceited people will call upon
national honor, tradition and holy war. Such wars are waged against
NASA every day, in favor of this or that fund and against any interest
towards the stars. Perhaps those with NASA in their backyard will feel
most threatened in exposing the lurking enemy of superstition against
a public vote. Virgos will suddenly feel like they were always Scorpio
and Capricorn ascendant will be re-established. It happened to Aton.
It can happen to science at any time. The same mob that burnt one type
of books can turn the stakes over to reverse values. Even WW3 will not
stop them from energetically defending thoughts that they never had.
Rare individuals will stand for God and NASA, but not you. Your
default mind is too pragmatic. You are a social being. You move along
with the lynch mob, any mob. You do what you are told because you have
your own goddamn free will. You know what you want. You freaking know
who you are very well and there is no force or shitty theory that can
make you feel otherwise. You are proud of your asinine stupidity. You
feel offended at being called fool. Your default mind knows better
than true mind. You do not give a shit for theories and losers. You
ride the asinine to final victory. Long rise the ears!
To reboot means to restart. It means a clear slate. You have been
given your true identity back. You can start anew. You have immense
power to create your own eternal futurity according to your self-given
Plan. That is Reality Rendering proper, according to your self-created
astral destiny.
The current Age of Pegasus II was proclaimed on November 14th 2009
ipse dixit.
The ascendant set is always measured at due east. There are 16
ascendants rising at east for the present epoch. The ascendant set was
measured for different epochs as well, as published along with the
appropriate resultsii. In summing up, there are 88 ascendants in a
precession cycle. At the present epoch, the following zodiacal
constellations do not rise at east: Scutum, Sagittarius, Capricornus,
Pegasus, Aries, Auriga, Gemini, Cancer, Crater, Corvus and Libra. Note
that ex zodiacal constellation, Serpensiii, is a P-zodiacal station,
and thus workable ascendant in some cases such as for Italy and the
USA. Surely at any epoch, non-zodiacal constellations can rise at
east. Also, the local and planetary zodiacs feature separate ascendant
sets along with appropriate studies. Taurus is rising only for five
minutes at east in a daily cycle. In the next cycle, Venus will rise
in Pegasus at east, thus announcing the new Æon. This, in short, is
the basic information and more or less all that an incipient astrology
fan has to know about the ascendant. Of course, the hopefully not too
large body of nonsensical literature will lead to blunder, but only a
very uneducated illiterate will of course believe in the 12/12
nonsense as perhaps predicated by people who may even sincerely
consider themselves and even others as “astrologers”.
Your future insists on changing! Your futurities want to change you.
The future you does not want you to see you like that. Your future
self has vast ambition. Your future self is your original true mind,
the face before you were born. It is observing you right now.
Klaudio Zic
The Academic Zodiac & RTRRT are Copyright © 1995 - 2010 by Klaudio
Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.
Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright
This copyrighted material has been previously published as available
iThe previous dark Age of Cetus II may still linger for a time in some
occult backwaters. The announced Age of Cetus III will be overridden
by the Age of Pegasus III. As the Age of Pegasus III is nearing fast,
the initiate is welcome to express the RTRRT as total freedom in
instant magick from childhood to eternity. The Academic Zodiac and
local zodiacs along with appropriate ascendant sets as published in
the previous Age of Cetus II are still valid in the Age of Pegasus II
through the age of Aquarius as expected 640 years from now.
ii In ancient Egypt, we would e.g. observe and document two dozen
ascendants over the eastern horizon.
iiiSee also on the two to six signs of Zodiacal Offset.
The current Age of Pegasus II was proclaimed on November 14th 2009
ipse dixit {i}.
First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2010,
Copyright © 2010 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without
the written permission of the author. The names of dedicated
publications are normally given in italics.
2010-Nov-23 00:00 Lib
2010-Nov-24 00:00 Sco
2010-Nov-25 00:00 Sco
2010-Nov-26 00:00 Sco
2010-Nov-27 00:00 Sco
2010-Nov-28 00:00 Sco
2010-Nov-29 00:00 Sco
2010-Nov-30 00:00 Sco
2010-Dec-01 00:00 Oph
Rebooting Your Self
Imprimatur in the New Age of Pegasus II
Copyright © 2010 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.
Is it possible to reboot oneself? Of course it is! Many had never
touched that dial. Some ignore that option. The majority naively
accepts false personality, false ascendant, false Sun-sign and
consequently a false life. Some even lead several false lives perhaps
according to their several false identities. Many have visited both
sidereal and tropical an astrologer in order to top it with a Vedic
service. Now they are probably coping with at least three additional
false identities. One wonders how many lies one is capable to absorb
in order to socialize with the asinine?
Everybody can easily deduce that the horoscopes as found in the
newspapers are the apex of falsity as they are surely based on no
solar system dynamics at all. The real Sun is in Virgo in Halloween
and in Libra for Sai Baba's birthday, November 23rd. That is the real
Sun, your true natal Sun, not the superstition of the pseudo-
If you follow any religion as based on Truth, such as Sai Baba, then
drop superstition, meaning your old stalled horoscopes. If Sai Baba
was informed that his own Sun is in Libra, how could the avatar of
Truth not address your true horoscope in turn?
Instant Reality Rendering is not only Instant Magick, it is also
clearing. Clearing implies getting done with one's false identity,
even identities. You was never a Capricorn ascendant! You never had a
Capricorn ascendant. No one you know ever had. There is no such thing
at the present epoch. Such things simply do not rise over the eastern
horizon. Look at the sky and you will not find Capricorn rising. No
one you know has a Capricorn ascendant. It has all been a plain lie.
Also, you can not have several horoscopes, such as being this sign in
one but another in the other one. A swindle on both sides. What seems
to afford for profitable business for both swindlers makes for further
confusion in their clients. The further the clients are confused, the
better for the devil to set in. Does not diabolos mean binary
confusion? Those horoscopes were made in order to confuse people and
lead them to the devil.
Of course, in knowing this, people will tend to burn them
“astrologers” at the stake, neatly stacked preferably as containing
their own foul books. What of the lynch mob? We shall not stop you.
Just do your business. It is better for the foul man to perish than
inflict pain, divorce and bankruptcy to the generations that follow.
Do your job. Get done with the devil once and for all.
In knowing that both sidereal and tropical superstitions can not help
you towards your true natal skies, you easily discard both.
Complementary lies have this handy feature as they are easily
discreated in one single bulk. Drop them all. They almost took your
real life from you. The evil forces behind them almost sucked your
vital energy. Yo was to e.g. walk around thinking yourself as Scorpio
with Capricorn ascendant, which is impossible, but instead you
discovered that you are Virgo with Pisces ascendant. May this simple
example in two sign zodiacal offset help you illustrate the mess you
were undergoing as exposed to sidereal or tropical nonsensei. The
exponents of such “theories” are less intelligent people who of course
have nothing to do with science, mathematics or solar system dynamics.
They are simply asininely adamant in accepting and spreading just any
superstition that comes their way. Such replicators are given some
cash and thrown into an astral prison to die. Nothing is left of them
but remnants like shells.
Often their lack of intelligence makes them die without ever getting
to know their own natal horoscopes. It is sad that such victims of the
asinine are often inspired towards writing pretty manuals in
superstition, that further mislead generations. In fact, they are
meant to mislead the further generation as intended by the office of
the alleged lord regent of this world.
Some years ago towards its own arrival with Venus in Hydra, said
mistress of this world nevertheless lost its grip. The Academic Zodiac
was established, the first fully scientific and thus accountable
zodiac for planet Earth. The ascendant set was measured. Planetary
zodiacs were set. Planetocentric astrologies have been established.
The Cartesian house system was set to work on spacecraft. All dwarf
planets, centaurs and major comets were delineated. The devil has lost
its grip and is slipping. How about you?
The answer is non-verbal. Even the guru can not tell you who you are.
But we can tell you who you are not. You are not something thinkable
at all. On the lower astral level, you are surely not defined by any
astrology, tropical, Vedic or sidereal system.
Your true natal skies help determining your guardian angel. You can
think of it as a star that was rising precisely at east at the moment
of your birth. When we come to determining that star, we approach your
true natal skies. Vedic, sidereal or tropical systems can not
determine your guardian angel. That is because they indifferently
never measure the ascendant at due east. The Vedic, sidereal and
tropical systems have no idea of any eastern ascendant. Therefore they
fail to recognize the precession of the ascendants. Said toy systems
can perhaps serve a props to some obscure New Wage practice, but can
never represent your true natal skies.
What can the usual astrological systems in great use not do for you?
They can not tell you the position of your natal Sun, not even guess
it given five chances. They can never determine the position of your
natal Moon, not even approximately. The Moon is by far the most
demanding object in astronomy. It determines the 22nd zodiacal
station, Auriga.
There are two to six signs or constellations of zodiacal error between
your true natal skies and various superstitions. While the so-called
(but only called) sidereal astrology is useless in determining your
natal ascendant. Being sidereal only by name, it can not even
determine the position of your natal Sun. The so-called tropical
astrology proclaims itself worthless, so there is no further need to
mark it for deletion. Vedic astrology has some charm but of course can
not tell you your ascendant. All these systems were perhaps sometimes
meant as preliminary toys for little children. As the thief got out
the temple, he probably thought that he stole the secret of astrology.
He did not. He got away with toys for the children of the servants of
the nobles.
Another lynch mob will move against God and NASA. They will e.g. try
and pass from proverbial to factual bricks against the telescopes. But
the telescope is so high. A brick can not reach those heights. So they
will attack what they can. The devil must defend one;s won slip. The
blind will lead the blind. Stupid and conceited people will call upon
national honor, tradition and holy war. Such wars are waged against
NASA every day, in favor of this or that fund and against any interest
towards the stars. Perhaps those with NASA in their backyard will feel
most threatened in exposing the lurking enemy of superstition against
a public vote. Virgos will suddenly feel like they were always Scorpio
and Capricorn ascendant will be re-established. It happened to Aton.
It can happen to science at any time. The same mob that burnt one type
of books can turn the stakes over to reverse values. Even WW3 will not
stop them from energetically defending thoughts that they never had.
Rare individuals will stand for God and NASA, but not you. Your
default mind is too pragmatic. You are a social being. You move along
with the lynch mob, any mob. You do what you are told because you have
your own goddamn free will. You know what you want. You freaking know
who you are very well and there is no force or shitty theory that can
make you feel otherwise. You are proud of your asinine stupidity. You
feel offended at being called fool. Your default mind knows better
than true mind. You do not give a shit for theories and losers. You
ride the asinine to final victory. Long rise the ears!
To reboot means to restart. It means a clear slate. You have been
given your true identity back. You can start anew. You have immense
power to create your own eternal futurity according to your self-given
Plan. That is Reality Rendering proper, according to your self-created
astral destiny.
The current Age of Pegasus II was proclaimed on November 14th 2009
ipse dixit.
The ascendant set is always measured at due east. There are 16
ascendants rising at east for the present epoch. The ascendant set was
measured for different epochs as well, as published along with the
appropriate resultsii. In summing up, there are 88 ascendants in a
precession cycle. At the present epoch, the following zodiacal
constellations do not rise at east: Scutum, Sagittarius, Capricornus,
Pegasus, Aries, Auriga, Gemini, Cancer, Crater, Corvus and Libra. Note
that ex zodiacal constellation, Serpensiii, is a P-zodiacal station,
and thus workable ascendant in some cases such as for Italy and the
USA. Surely at any epoch, non-zodiacal constellations can rise at
east. Also, the local and planetary zodiacs feature separate ascendant
sets along with appropriate studies. Taurus is rising only for five
minutes at east in a daily cycle. In the next cycle, Venus will rise
in Pegasus at east, thus announcing the new Æon. This, in short, is
the basic information and more or less all that an incipient astrology
fan has to know about the ascendant. Of course, the hopefully not too
large body of nonsensical literature will lead to blunder, but only a
very uneducated illiterate will of course believe in the 12/12
nonsense as perhaps predicated by people who may even sincerely
consider themselves and even others as “astrologers”.
Your future insists on changing! Your futurities want to change you.
The future you does not want you to see you like that. Your future
self has vast ambition. Your future self is your original true mind,
the face before you were born. It is observing you right now.
Klaudio Zic
The Academic Zodiac & RTRRT are Copyright © 1995 - 2010 by Klaudio
Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.
Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright
This copyrighted material has been previously published as available
iThe previous dark Age of Cetus II may still linger for a time in some
occult backwaters. The announced Age of Cetus III will be overridden
by the Age of Pegasus III. As the Age of Pegasus III is nearing fast,
the initiate is welcome to express the RTRRT as total freedom in
instant magick from childhood to eternity. The Academic Zodiac and
local zodiacs along with appropriate ascendant sets as published in
the previous Age of Cetus II are still valid in the Age of Pegasus II
through the age of Aquarius as expected 640 years from now.
ii In ancient Egypt, we would e.g. observe and document two dozen
ascendants over the eastern horizon.
iiiSee also on the two to six signs of Zodiacal Offset.